Centerline at odds with tower tech injury report
Earlier this week it was reported that a Massachusetts tower climber working in Gorham, Maine, fell from a 300-foot guyed tower owned by Crown Castle International. The man, yet to be identified, suffered serious injuries according to authorities on the scene. Afterwards, he was transported to Maine Medical Center. An update on his condition has not be given yet.
This is where confusion sets in. Initial reports claimed that while working as part of a crew for Centerline Communications, the man was removing transmission lines and a section mount when he fell. However, when reached for comment on the incident, Centerline had a completely different story. Centerline’s owner, Josh Gelman, claims that the climber was on the ground, operating a cathead when the incident happened. Even the police have walked back their initial report, claiming they never said anyone fell off of a structure, just reiterating that he was injured while removing cables and a section mount.
The Maine Department of Labor is still investigating the incident, so we will not know anything further until its investigation is complete. In the meantime, Gelman did report the climber is in stable condition, although the severity of his injuries is not known at this time.
Watch a tower crash onto a truck
Just for fun, here’s a video of a cell tower crashing down on top of a truck.
Tower news quickies
• Lightning strikes cell tower and is caught on camera.
• A quick note on first climbs.
• Bharti Airtel sells African towers for $1.3B
Regional/local tower news
- AT&T withdraws application to install cell tower in Branford, Conn.
- Proposed cell tower loses main backer in Bethel, Conn.
- Suit over rejected cell tower is over, said Manatee County, Fla.
- Palm Coast, Fla., proposing less restrictive cell tower rules, but council demurs
- Batesville, Ind., cell tower location approved
- Zanesville, Ind., gives response to lawsuit over cell tower
- Cell tower firm pulls out of its plan for Kingsley, Ga., club
- New Lenox, Ill., residents protest cell tower
- Rome, Maine, seeks public input in legal battles over proposed cell tower
- Appleton, Wis., “inviting litigation” on cell tower no-vote
- Relief nursery worries over cell phone tower in Eugene, Ore.
- Beacon Hill, Ore., neighbors have the blues over proposed cell tower
- Lakeport City, Calif., council approves 60-day continuance for cell tower.
- Debate on Pilar cell tower goes to Taos, N.M., commissioners