On this week’s NFV/SDN Reality Check we talked with Elias Aravantinos, principal analyst at ACG Research, on a new white paper looking at NFV ROI models
One of the bigger challenges facing mobile operators as they look to deploy virtualized platforms like network functions virtualization, software-defined networking and cloud, is working through financial models to determine the speed and depth in which to turn towards these new technologies. While there has been considerable talk around the financial and operational benefits of NFV, SDN and cloud, real models are still in short supply.
One of the organizations looking to help the telecom industry in this move ACG Research, which recently released a white paper that looks to tackle this financial obstacle with a total cost of ownership model claimed to provide a detailed business case outlining the benefits of NFV for mobile operators. This week, we talked with Elias Aravantinos, principal analyst at ACG Research, to garner more details on the report.
Aravantinos touched on a number of topics, including general takeaways from the survey; how important it is in the current NFV deployment cycle to understand the return on investment model; his overall view of current NFV deployment and development; and some of the bigger challenges moving forward for operators looking to deploy NFV?
Make sure to join us on July 31 for our next live episode of NFV/SDN Reality Check when we are scheduled to speak with Andre Fuetsch, SVP of architecture and design at AT&T.
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