Six fleets of self-driving trucks arrived in the Netherlands today from locations in Sweden, Germany, Denmark and Belgium. The trucks used a system called...
A major aspect of the industrial "Internet of Things" is massive machine-to-machine communications supported by a redundant, reliable, high-speed network. General Electric, which has...
Etisalat targeting additional verticals with LPWA and NB IoT
Huawei and Middle East telecom operator Etisalat conducted a trial of smart parking technology in the...
AUSTIN, Texas – The 2016 Energy Thought Summit, geared toward innovative approaches to energy management and sustainability, highlighted an important aspect of the growing...
AT&T, Telit, ARM, F-Secure talk IoT during Mobile World Congress
The "Internet of Things" promises to change the way we all live and work, according...
ZTE said pre 5G tests will take three to four months
BARCELONA, Spain – ZTE signed a memorandum of understanding with mobile operator Hutchison Drei...
Korean telco plans to unveil 5G device prototype
BARCELONA, Spain – Korean operator SK Telecom and Nokia Networks claimed a network test resulting in over-the-air...
Philip DesAutels, Senior Director of IoT at The Linux Foundation provides Jeff Mucci, RCR Wireless News, with an update of recent AllSeen and AllJoyn...
Today's IoT Innovation episode brought to you by Anritsu and Telecomcareers
IoT pundits and experts, Chris Hare and Steve Brumer, join host Jeff Mucci for...
This week on on IoT Innovation, UltraSOC CEO, Rupert Baines, joins host Jeff Mucci, for a thoughtful discussion on the following top IoT trends:
• IoT...
Are IoT standards keeping up with IoT innovation? IEEE IoT standards body is hard at work to deliver IoT P2413 interoperability standards framework by 2017
Watch IoT...
How does US government IoT policy stack up with the rest of the world? According to IoT Pioneer Kevin Ashton, and other sources, US...
AT&T has a major focus on IoT with major investments in consumer-facing products and industial products like its Global SIM, which has tremendous utility in...
This week on IoT Innovation, RCR Wireless News takes a look at Horizon 2020 IoT and 5G, the European Union's €80 billion plan to...
The Internet of Things is bringing new players into the wireless ecosystem and creating new opportunities for carriers. While mobile operators see opportunities in...
The connected car opens many topics related to testing. Simulating safety systems, checking for interference, looking at the safety from malicious external influences. This...
Huawei Helps Carriers Transform towards Digital Business
Huawei today announced its financial results for 2015, reporting that its Carrier Services achieved strong year-on-year growth,...
The Chinese firms will cooperate on SDN, NFV, 5G and IoT
ZTE signed a strategic cooperation agreement with China Telecom Beijing Research Institute to develop...
On this week’s NFV/SDN Reality Check, we speak with the European Telecommunications Standards Institute to get an update on the organization’s work in developing...
Carrier tested millimeter waves in the 28 GHz band
Korean telecom operator SK Telecom and compatriot vendor Samsung Electronics claimed to have successfully tested a...
T-Mobile 5G plans are set for a boost as the carrier filed applications for experimental spectrum license usage around its Washington headquarters
T-Mobile US is...