What is lights out manufacturing?
"Lights out" manufacturing is the term used for a manufacturing process where factories run fully autonomously, without any human intervention....
The partnership will extend HTC's VR app store to Alibaba Cloud platform
Alibaba Cloud, the cloud-computing arm of Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba Group, has signed...
Qualcomm will license its chip technology to two of China's biggest smartphone makers, Vivo and Oppo. Oppo is the world's fourth-largest smartphone maker behind...
What is lights out manufacturing?
"Lights out" manufacturing is the term used for a manufacturing process where factories run fully autonomously, without any human intervention....
Carriers around the world are deploying small cell networks to add capacity to targeted locations and complement macro infrastructure. But the business model associated...
AT&T, SBAC, EXFO and Kathrein share perspective
Modifications to cell towers and cell tower equipment are known as tower amendments. Although new tower builds have...
The internet of things network currently covers 360 cities
China’s second largest mobile operator China Unicom ended the first half of 2016 with more than 20...
Ericsson’s Iconectiv division is set to take over LNPA authority from Neustar, promises ‘cost efficient and secure NPAC system’
The North American Portability Management signed...
Telecom workforce adjustments needed for devops
Just as workforce adjustments will be needed for telecom’s move to software-defined networks, changes will also need to take...
Global IoT platform revenues are expected to continue to grow fast and reach $3.3 billion by 2021. We discuss IoT platform trends with Berg Insight.
Column updated to correct information on game features
Catching the little Pokémon creatures has caught on like the Hula-Hoop, with the real benefit of the...
Telecom, the biggest adopter of devops
The devops model is being heavily adopted by telecom companies during the industry's ongoing transition to virtualized networks. In a...
Defining devops
The most universal understanding of devops is a business model for managing a company’s software teams by bringing together developers and operations managers. But...
The Federal Communications Commission is eliminating requirements for historic preservation review for small cells that do not adversely impact historic sites. The agency said...
According to a Speedtest Market Report, domestic mobile internet speeds have improved by more than 30% since last year, with an average download speed...
According to a Speedtest Market Report, mobile internet has seen performance gains, improving by more than 30% since last year with an average download...
The Federal Communications Commission is eliminating requirements for historic preservation review for small cells that do not adversely impact historic sites. The agency said...
Telecom, the biggest adopter of devops
The devops model is being heavily adopted by telecom companies during the industry's ongoing transition to virtualized networks. In a...
Huawei and China Telecom plan to deliver gigabit connectivity to homes in Shenzhen
Chinese ICT services provider Huawei and China Telecom Corporation signed a cooperation framework...
Google has reportedly reassigned workers who were set to install Google Fiber in Silicon Valley, telling them the company is evaluating an alternative plan...
Defining devops
The most universal understanding of devops is a business model for managing a company’s software teams by bringing together developers and operations managers. But...