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Kagan: Sprint, can you hear me now?


Sprint just made what may be remembered as the most brilliant marketing move of 2016, especially as we start the summer months. You remember the Verizon Wireless marketing spokesperson with the tag line, “Can you hear me now?” Well, he switched camps and is now a Sprint spokesperson. In this world where marketing is key to success, this could be a stroke of genius.
Actor Paul Marcarelli was the spokesman for Verizon Wireless for a decade before they changed their focus and showed him the door. He did a great job of bringing customers up to speed on the improved Verizon Wireless signal. If you recall, before then, Verizon Wireless actually was one of the worst quality carriers of the bunch.

Verizon Wireless was among the worst quality

Then they spent time and money bringing the network up to speed. However, customers have long memories and they didn’t even consider giving Verizon Wireless a try. They wanted to stay as far away as they could. So they needed to do something to shake things up.
That’s when Verizon Wireless hired Marcarelli and started the “Can you hear me now?” ad campaign. This was a huge success, and they kept it going for a decade.
After that, Verizon Wireless decided that everyone knew about their quality, so they changed their campaign and said goodbye to “Can you hear me now?”

Can you hear me now, was big success

So Marcarelli was a huge success, helping to change the mind of the marketplace about the Verizon Wireless service.
Now Sprint just did something that may have never been done on the wireless industry. Marcarelli is now on the Sprint team. The carrier has improved their network and is now winning many awards, but the customers take a while before they catch on, just like they did with Verizon Wireless.
If Sprint plays their cards right, this marketing move could wind up being a hit. Even as big a hit as it was for Verizon Wireless a decade ago. People will remember Marcarelli and I believe this could be just what Sprint needs to bring the marketplace up to speed.

Customers trust Marcarelli brand

Marcarelli has brand value in the wireless world thanks to the long-term exposure in national advertising. And even though he is just an actor, customers trust this brand value.
Sprint has been improving the quality, speed and reach of their wireless network over the last several years. They have made great strides in improving market after market. They are not done yet, but their improvements are very noticeable by customers from coast-to-coast.
How will Sprint convince the marketplace about the improvement? This is the big question. In previous columns I have suggested they think about a campaign like the Pin Drop Challenge which they ran in the late 1980s. That was successful and they started to grow once again.
This could be that winning idea. This new campaign could be just as successful for Sprint if they do things right. In fact, because of the relationship of this spokesperson to the wireless industry, this could be even more successful.

Now we watch Sprint

Now we get to see what the marketing muscle at Sprint really looks like. The idea of hiring Marcarelli is brilliant. The next steps are just as important. If Sprint can orchestrate a successful marketing campaign, this could be an explosive event for the company’s growth.
In fact, since this is starting right now, right when school lets out and in the beginning of the summer, this could quickly grow into the next, big focus for the summer of 2016. Heck, if orchestrated well, this could turn out to be as successful for Sprint as the “Ice Bucket Challenge” from a couple years ago. It all depends on the marketing magic Sprint can whip up next. Stay tuned.

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