Aeris revealed the main benefits network optimization offers in the IoT field
IoT network optimization is increasingly gaining relevance due to the expected huge increase in internet of things-related traffic in the coming years as billions of IoT devices are connected to global networks.
In this scenario, it is obvious that operators need to optimize IoT networks in order to minimize the impact of IoT-related traffic on other services offered through mobile networks. IoT network optimization is also key to ensure maximum utilization of network resources on other types of networks.
However, IoT-related traffic is only part of the challenge for operators, as the number of devices involved in will represent a significant increase in the volume of non-app related traffic.
According to a recent white paper by M2M communications and IoT service provider Aeris, managing networks for the provision of IoT services is not similar to the management of traditional cellular networks due to the different profile of IoT traffic. IoT devices involve a lot of regularity in transmission, which is not the case with smartphone usage. This regularity makes it easier for IoT service providers to monitor patterns and establish if a device is working properly. This is why organizations are focusing on the optimization of IoT networks as these services start to become more mature.
Aeris also found that there are business reasons for the implementation of IoT network optimization. “If you consider IoT apps you might have low throughput and data volume from the app itself but the presence of a device could generate more control plane messaging than an organization might like to support. An app, for example, could only need to send a few megabytes of data per device per month but the control plane messaging could have a dramatically higher volume than app traffic itself. This non-app focused traffic places a significant burden on the network,” the white paper says. According to Aeris, a way to address the issue is to specify equipment that has been designed to limit control plane traffic for IoT devices. The provider also said that another key point regarding why network optimization will have a key role is the sheer volume of endpoint devices involved in IoT.
Aeris also highlighted how important will be for IoT service providers to be prepared for flexible scalability. “Nobody knows at exactly which point an individual IoT application will take off and nobody can predict which types of IoT app will lead the market. Therefore, service providers have to have the capability to scale up on demand from a relatively low base,” the white paper adds.
According to Aeris, organizations will have to be prepared to handle not only the average load but also the peaks, as many IoT devices are set to communicate precisely on the hour and that creates a spike in traffic.
In conclusion, IoT Network optimization offers organizations a series of benefits including costs savings, improvements in operating efficiencies as well as a faster time to scale up or deploy services.