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TestFlow: Field test process analytics for proactive network project management


Field testing for fiber-optic network installations represents an area ripe for leveraging the benefits of process automation and insightful analytics. EXFO’s TestFlow solution enables test process automation in the field while providing analytics tools customized to the needs of complicated network builds.

Project managers need better, more timely visibility into field work. In the field, cloud-based TestFlow pushes out automated and consistent jobs-specific test sequences to reduce technician data-entry and process errors. Test results are then automatically uploaded to and consolidated on the TestFlow server, eliminating administrative tasks for both techs and project managers and providing project managers with the most up-to-date information about the status of testing and deployment progress.

TestFlow’s value stretches beyond field processes and reporting. The solution provides robust analytics capabilities to assess contractor efficiency, network compliance/quality and project progress as compared to the deployment schedule. Those metrics are available for viewing by contract managers and the service provider through clear, concise data dashboards – access to which can be shared with network operators so that they have actual installation results on a daily basis. Site or project managers have concrete, up-to-date data on which to make their decisions, rather than relying on intermittent verbal reports from the field. Data can be aggregated by contractor, by region, or by equipment vendor and model, to achieve a holistic view of deployment as well as to identify trends.

Having these user-defined metrics clearly and easily accessible allows problems to be identified and solved during network deployment, rather than waiting until customers are being served and encounter quality-of-service issues. In one instance, an EXFO customer utilizing TestFlow analytics discovered that dirty bulkhead connectors were causing techs to take four times longer than expected to complete testing – and the concrete data evidence provided by TestFlow gave the network operator justification for mandating better quality optical equipment as well as a lost-time settlement.

The automated and simplified field test processes of EXFO’s TestFlow combined with its metrics and dashboards result in detailed project visibility and tracking for managers and executives. From high-level trends such as project activity, network progress and contractor efficiency, to detailed information such as tests conducted per day per technician, duration of various tests and average test duration per technician, this data supports good decision-making and proactive process management.

The ability to utilize both field test process automation as well as comprehensive, timely data from the frontline through analytics leads to maximizing technician productivity and optimizing network standards compliance, and in turn, faster, on-schedule deployments of better-quality construction, as well as reducing the overall cost of network installation and troubleshooting. Ultimately, this means an accelerated time-table for new services and revenues, decreased subscriber churn and protection of the operator brand.

Learn more about EXFO’s TestFlow here.