California-based Econolite expects to start installing the new smart signals next month
Miami-Dade County has recently approved a project to install smart traffic signals at some of the county’s roadways. California-based company Econolite Control Products won the $11.1 million contract with Miami-Dade to expand a pilot program that introduced new technology to operate traffic lights according to the changing flow of vehicles.
Under the new contract, Econolite will install a total of 300 new smart traffic signals, which represents nearly 10% of all Miami-Dade traffic lights.
During the 2016 pilot project, a number of smart street signals had been installed along Miami’s Northwest 36th street, which resulted in a reduction in average travel time of about 10 minutes.
A study by the Metropolitan Planning Organization, a division of the county’s transportation department, selected the roadways on which the new smart traffic signals will be installed.
Econolite expects to begin smart signal installations next month. The full deployment of the project will take approximately one year.
The company has recently launched its EOS traffic controller software, which is a next-generation, web-based user interface traffic control software. EOS is designed to expand traffic control capabilities, preparing agencies for the upcoming demands of connected and autonomous vehicle (CAV) and smart city traffic control systems.
Econolite is presently involved in several CAV initiatives, including: University of Michigan – UMTRI, MTC Leadership Circle, and Mcity CAV test facility; MMITSS with the University of Arizona and PATH; V2I reference implementation project; and numerous CV projects. In addition to its strategic partnership with Savari, Econolite is also involved in cooperative efforts with CV technology providers such as Battelle, Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI), and others.
Founded in 1933, Econolite is a provider of comprehensive traffic management solutions, intelligent transportation systems (ITS), and engineering services.