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Kamstrup, Siemens to roll out large-scale smart metering project in Ireland


Siemens said that the project, which will be executed in two years, stipulates the deployment of 250,000 smart meters


A Kamstrup-Siemens consortium announced that it will deliver a smart metering solution including 250,000 electricity meters, a remote reading system and a data management system to Irish energy company ESB Networks.

The smart metering project is planned for execution during 2019-2020, Siemens said.

Kamstrup joined forces with Siemens to provide a solution consisting of a data collection system dubbed “Kamstrup Omnia,” combined with smart meters and the meter data management solution Siemens EnergyIP. The Siemens-owned company Omnetric will be responsible for smart meter data integration with the existing communication and enterprise infrastructure, Siemens said.

“The joint solution is yet another example of the ability to integrate our solutions with other technology partners. Our industry-leading platform Omnia, used for data collection, and our smart meters OmniPower are based on extensive experience and proven technology. Our solution will provide ESB Networks with accurate, reliable and secure data which is fundamental for ESB Networks to establish a stable and flexible network and provide good customer service,” said Kim Lehmann, CEO of Kamstrup.

“At the same time, we are able to manage the scalability needed for ESB Networks and together with Siemens, we will act as an agile partner,” he added.

Siemens CEO Gary O’Callaghan said: “This project marks another step forward in the digitalization of Ireland’s energy network. The global shift towards decarbonization, together with customers demanding much more active engagement with and from energy companies means our energy systems are becoming increasingly complex.”

“The Siemens meter data management system EnergyIP can process data in near-real time from millions of distributed grid assets and smart devices, powering new approaches for meter data management, grid optimization and analytics, distributed energy management, energy market participation and asset management,” he added.

“The upgrade to modern electricity meters is an important enabler of Ireland’s Climate Action Plan. To tackle climate change, the meter upgrade program is an essential foundation to maximizing the benefit from Ireland’s growing renewable generation capability and supporting the electrification of transport and heat – using clean electricity to displace carbon fuels. We believe the integrated solution from Kamstrup and Siemens will support us in achieving this goal,” says Eoghan Barrett, manager for ESB Networks’ smart metering program.

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