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Intel AI firm signs LTE roaming deal with Orange to map streets, help drivers

Intel-owned vehicle tech firm Mobileye has signed a global 3G and 4G roaming deal with France-based operator Orange for its new camera-based advanced driver assistance system (ADAS) for connected vehicles and smart cities.

The Mobileye 8 Connect solution ‘sees’ the road ahead through a camera lens, which can be retrofitted to most vehicles. The vehicle-bound computer vision solution provides drivers with collision avoidance technology based on driver behaviour, environmental data, and real-time alerts, including recognising pedestrians in low light.

Data from the Mobileye 8 Connect will also go to create high definition maps by identifying static infrastructure, such as manhole covers, telephone poles and lamp posts, as well as dynamic road-assets, including open parking spaces, traffic congestion and potholes.

The onboard camera collects data for both autonomous vehicle mapping and to benefit cities and companies with the maintenance and mapping of existing infrastructure and utilities. Data collected is either anonymous or anonymised. A number of territories have said they will adopt the technology, including Spain’s Directorate General of Transport and the city of Dusseldorf in Germany.

Mobileye has selected Orange Business Services to provide 3G and LTE connectivity in Europe, the US and Asia. Oange is providing a centralised SIM management platform for simplified reporting and customer support.

Lior Sethon, vice president and deputy general manager for intelligent mobility at Mobileye, said: “Mobileye will revolutionise the ADAS space, establishing itself as a critical player in the autonomous vehicle market. Our global IoT network is key to providing connectivity and data collection capabilities to empower the management of smart city assets, corporate fleets and ride sharing on a large scale.

“At the same time, this connectivity will enable us to push over-the-air software updates to the cars which allow us to add new features and improve its existing functionality.”

Fabrice de Windt, senior vice president for Europe at Orange Business Services, said: “Seamless connectivity is a vital enabler of the smart automotive industry. Our extensive experience with IoT and data is helping Mobileye bring a truly innovative solution to market that will enable safer and smarter driving, preparing the way for self-driving cars.”

Mobileye is working with UK mapping agency Ordnance Survey to create the a roadside infrastructure dataset to underpin a new location information service. Utility fleets have been equipped with Mobileye 8 Connect to capture a street-level camera view of the UK road network, detailing road markings, network boxes, traffic lights, road signs, lamp posts, manhole covers and drainage grates.

Data is being sent to the cloud for aggregation and provided to Ordnance Survey for cross-referencing with existing datasets.Implementation of the trial follows an initial test in select areas of the UK, including London, Manchester and the North East.

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