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Siemens unveils body temperature solution for buildings


Image courtesy of Siemens

Siemens Smart Infrastructure announced the launch of Siveillance Thermal Shield, which is a solution package that measures the body temperature of a person seeking to access a building.

The new solution also enables the results to be integrated into the video and access systems of corporations.

Siemens? service uses thermal imaging cameras to measure, in a contactless way, the body temperature at a distance of up to two meters, ensuring the safety of monitoring staff. If the camera screening indicates an elevated body temperature, a second reading must be performed using a medical thermometer to confirm the finding. 

This solution package integrates the third-party screening camera with the Siveillance Video security platform and other security systems from Siemens. This allows the measurements to be integrated into the workflow of the corporate security solutions. Using Siveillance Thermal Shield at the entrance to a factory building, offers an easy way to screen employees as part of routine access control procedures, the company said.

?Siveillance Thermal Shield improves the safety of all occupants in buildings or facilities?, said Joachim Langenscheid, solution and service portfolio head?for Europe at Siemens Smart Infrastructure. ?We also advise companies on how they can use Thermal Shield for their industry-specific applications to optimize their security systems and procedures, and we support them in the technical implementation.??

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To ensure the highest level of accuracy, the cameras measure the body temperature near the eyes. A positive result triggers acoustic and visual alarms. The temperature is measured for each person individually to ensure accurate and reliable results.

In related news, VSBLTY Groupe Technologies, a provider of security and retail marketing technology, has partnered with a global cyber security product and building services company to provide advanced camera technology that enhances security and enables COVID-19 temperature screenings before people enter office buildings.

VSBLTY CEO Jay Hutton said: ?In order to get the economy running again it is critical to assure workplace safety for both employers and employees. We now will have the technology that provides for wellness analysis, capacity management and density metrics to allow for real time building safety. This technology will enable buildings to provide safe access for workers and guests more quickly and efficiently.?

 ?Cameras, using advanced artificial intelligence combined with machine learning, add several advanced features that improve body surface temperature measurements. Building access control and security are enhanced through facial recognition and ID data in real time. The monitoring continues to do temperature and fever checks of people within the facility and issues alerts to building management. In addition, the system provides people tracking that furnishes capacity counts and reports on social distancing measurement data,? the executive added.

VSBLTY technology provides enhanced customer engagement and audience measurement using machine learning and computer vision. Its VisionCaptor and DataCaptor software combine motion graphics and interactive brand messaging with  computer vision measurement and insights. 

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