A growing number of wireless companies are showing how they are still on target with their rollout and continual advancement of 5G wireless services. Let’s take a look at some of these leading companies in the 5G race and what we can expect moving forward.
As a wireless analyst for 35 years, I have a voice in this exciting industry. As such, I am regularly briefed by network builders, 5G technology players, wireless networks, smartphone and tablet makers and more.
We are now taking a very exciting next step with 5G and this will continue for years to come. The change to 5G will take time and money. Over the next year or two or three our entire world will begin to change.
Today, we are still only in the first inning of the 5G game. 5G is not only about the wireless industry like 2G, 3G and 4G, but for the first time is also about every other company in every other industry. 5G will transform our world and the way we do everything, and this change is just beginning.
5G wireless requires a 5G smartphone and network
Remember, when discussing 5G, users must have a 5G handset and be in a 5G area in the nationwide network. With all the buzz, today most people do not have 5G-capable phones, so even if they are in a 5G area, they won’t get the faster speeds.
As time passes, carriers continually increase their availability, but we are still in the early stages. That being said, the 5G footprint continues to grow rapidly. Over the next few quarters it will continue to expand and reach more users. This is the same as we saw with 4G and 3G.
More good news is that customers who use 4G services will continue to get faster as we move forward as well. So, even if you don’t have a 5G phone or tablet, you will experience faster speeds going forward on 4G.
In fact, the speed of wireless technology continues to get faster year after year. So, 4G continues to get faster. And as 5G starts, the speeds will only increase as they next several years pass as well.
Now, let’s take a closer look at a few recent 5G announcements in the wireless space.
Qualcomm is key leader in global 5G wireless world
Qualcomm is a key player in the global wireless world. They develop technologies that are used by wireless networks and handset makers. This time around, they are also helping other companies and other industries move into 5G, bringing new technology to life.
Think self-driving cars or autonomous vehicles, Telehealth, and much more. Over the next several years as 5G becomes the new standard, there will be countless companies in countless industries which will join this new world.
All of these companies and industries will be able to turn to Qualcomm and use their technology on this journey.
Qualcomm has continued to brief the analyst community on their forward momentum with regards to 5G. They are not slowing down. Instead, they are moving ahead as quickly as planned on global scale.
John Smee, VP of Engineering and 5G R&D, with Qualcomm
Last week John Smee, Qualcomm VP of Engineering and 5G R&D, held an analyst briefing. Analyst briefings are an ongoing tool they use to keep the community, customers, and investors up to speed on their progress.
In this briefing, Smee discussed 3GPP Release 16, what it means for Qualcomm and for the entire 5G wireless industry.
This is very helpful because the general marketplace needs to follow the forward motion of the company, 5G and the wireless industry in general.
Qualcomm remains one of the key industry leaders and most important players in this rapidly growing and continually changing space, on a global basis.
AT&T making 5G available in 28 new markets and expands DSS
AT&T was first carrier to 5G and continues to grow their footprint. Dynamic Spectrum Sharing is an important step on the way to 5G wireless on a nationwide basis.
DSS lets wireless carriers use the same channel for 4G and 5G at the same time. This makes it easier for the carrier to roll out 5G and for the customer to get a smooth experience.
DSS lets carriers use existing spectrum to roll out 5G over their 4G network. This makes it easier and faster to rollout, and it makes the user experience work very well.
This is something every wireless carrier should be doing.
Verizon says they are testing DSS in certain markets. That’s good. That means they will likely be a player in this space going forward as well.
T-Mobile says vendor delays are causing a slowdown in their DSS entry. I hope they will follow in this space as well sooner rather than later.
5G wireless growth wave is growing and expanding
Bottom line, 5G wireless is exploding with growth. The good news is there are so many companies who are moving as fast as they were before the coronavirus hit. And they will continue moving forward just as quickly.
5G has is not slowing down. Today, most if not all 5G wireless companies are on the growing side of the growth wave. At some point, some companies will crest then start to fall. Not every company will continue on its rapid growth path.
Fortunately, companies like Qualcomm, AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobile should remain on the growing side of the 5G growth wave for years to come. Although there are significant differences between each of them.