We’re two decades into the new millennium, and the wireless communication pioneered in the previous century has become the foundation of every aspect of our lives. Wireless infrastructure is all but a utility, expected both indoors and out, from street level all the way to the top floor of the highest skyscraper. However, certain environments remain a challenge when it comes to wireless solutions. Tunnels are one such setting.

You don’t have to be a miner deep underground to have a need for in-tunnel wireless connectivity. Millions of urban commuters pass through thousands of kilometers of rail and road tunnels every day, and for many, these tunnels represent wireless dead zones in which they’re isolated from loved ones and locked out of their work.
But tunnels don’t have to be wireless wastelands. Though there are unique challenges in implementing in-tunnel wireless systems, there are emerging solutions that combat these challenges in an effective and affordable way.
In this report, we will examine the in-tunnel wireless challenges and solutions to understand the best approach to in-tunnel wireless.
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