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How did IoT investments fare during COVID-19?


Image courtesy of 123.RF.

Eseye surveyed U.S. and U.K. enterprise decision makers on the state of IoT during the coronavirus pandemic?

A good deal of the commentary around the acceleration of IoT and other technology solutions during COVID-19 is somewhat anecdotal and based on the perspectives of individuals serving in varying capacities at firms that sell technology.

U.K.-based Eseye, which specializes in cellular internet of things, including hardware and consultancy services, worked to quantify it by engaging research house Opinion matters to survey 500 senior decision makers in the U.S. and U.K. The survey covers five verticals: healthcare and medical devices, supply chain and logistics, manufacturing, electric vehicle charging and smart grid, and smart vending.

While the results are somewhat mixed in terms of how COVID-19 impacted investments, it’s clear that the pandemic indeed did have a marked impact. 

COVID-19 impacted IoT plans: Survey

As reported by Eseye in its “2021 State of IoT Adoption Report,”

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Despite the mixed bag related to tech during coronavirus, respondents seemed to still have a favorable perspective on IoT as a driver of organizational change. From the report: 

Among the top challenges to implementations identified in the Eyese report were security, connectivity, device onboarding, testing, certification, and variations in cellular connectivity from country to country.

Eyes CEO Nick Earle, noting “a number of false starts” around the scale of adoption, said, “COVID-19 has accelerated IoT trends that were already underway as large enterprises move from experimenting to understanding how to deploy…our research certainly found that the larger the project, the faster the acceleration as organizations embrace IoT.”

Click here for a deep-dive with KPMG on technology adoption in the healthcare sector. 

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