YOU ARE AT:Network InfrastructureVerizon partners with art museum, 'elevates' 5G cell site

Verizon partners with art museum, ‘elevates’ 5G cell site

The art project suggests that Verizon might to be trying to improve the poor curb appeal of 5G cell sites

Verizon and the Susquehanna Art Museum (SAM) in Harrisburg, PA unveiled a new 5G cell site that sports custom artwork designed by local artist Stephen Michael Haas. The project suggests that Verizon, which runs an arts program to help beautify local communities, might be trying to improve the poor curb appeal of 5G cell sites.

Despite the many connectivity benefits that 5G coverage will deliver, new cell sites have been met with hesitation — and in some cases, downright disdain — by residents, property owners and local governments who at best, consider the towers an eye sore and at worst, a serious health risk

“We remain committed to working closely with communities in ensuring that our equipment enhances the local streetscape,” said Lynn Cox SVP and chief engineer at Verizon. “Often we disguise equipment so that it can hide in plain sight. Here, our close collaboration with SAM has elevated a cell site from network equipment to fine art that improves connectivity for Harrisburg.”

Courtesy of Verizon.

The artist, Stephen Michael Haas explained the inspiration behind his piece:With all that is going on in the world, I wanted a design that celebrates the beauty of life and that is fun to look at. My hope is that the end result gives museum visitors and passersby a big boost of energy — an espresso shot of color — as they go about their day.”

The partnership with SAM is the second of its kind; in November, the Verizon sponsored a Kindness Mural by Pennsylvania artist Ali M. Williams at Strawberry Square.

The carrier expects to cover more than 175 million people with its 5G Ultra Wideband network, which is comprised of its mmWave and C-band spectrum, by the end of 2022.


Catherine Sbeglia Nin
Catherine Sbeglia Nin
Catherine is the Managing Editor for RCR Wireless News, where she covers topics such as Wi-Fi, network infrastructure, AI and edge computing. She also produced and hosted Arden Media's podcast Well, technically... After studying English and Film & Media Studies at The University of Rochester, she moved to Madison, WI. Having already lived on both coasts, she thought she’d give the middle a try. So far, she likes it very much.