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Kagan: Huawei 2023 Global Analyst Summit showed progress

Last week, Huawei held their 20th annual 2023 Global Analyst Summit, and things are looking better and stronger than one year ago. You see Huawei was a rapidly growing global leader in the wireless industry over the past decade. Then they hit a significant stumbling block in the last couple years. However, after working to fix the problem, they are now getting back on their feet.

That is good news for Huawei because growth opportunities in the wireless industry are both accelerating and long-lasting. Focusing on the countries where they do business lets them continue to show growth. 

The theme of the summit, which was attended by more than 1,000 industry analysts, financial analysts, key opinion leaders and media representatives from around the world was called “Thriving together for a digital future”.

During the event they discussed the current state of Huawei and what we can expect moving forward, including the status and growth of the information and communications technology industry, development strategies, roadmaps for a digital transformation which we are all experiencing and what trends we can expect looking ahead. 

Keynote by Sabrina Meng, Huawei Deputy Chairwoman

Sabrina Meng, Huawei Deputy Chairwoman, Rotating Chairwomen and CFO said in her keynote address that the company will keep investing in areas like connectivity, computing, storage and the cloud.

She said they aim to provide customers with digital infrastructure that has the simplest possible architecture with the highest possible quality that delivers the best possible experience at the lowest possible cost.

Meng also said their goal is to help organizations go digital in four stages including digitizing operations, building digital platforms, enabling platform-based intelligence and putting intelligence to use.

With all the focus these days on Artificial Intelligence and Chatbot technology, the timing of this announcement was in synch with the current marketplace trends. 

Three major takeaways from Huawei decade long digital transformation

Meng also shared three major takeaways from Huawei’s decade long digital transformation progress. 

First, she said strategy is essential. It’s all about digital transformation and strategic planning. She said successful digital transformation must be driven by strategy, not technology.

Second, data is the foundation. Data only creates value when it flows seamlessly across an entire organization.

Third, intelligence is the destination. Data is in the process of redefining everything including productivity. Putting intelligence to use makes on-demand data easier to understand and actionable.

Keynote by Dr. Zhou Hong, President of Huawei Institute of Strategic Research

Dr. Zhou Hong, President of Huawei Institute of Strategic Research discussed their vision for the future of what they call the intelligent world. He detailed how they can transform experience into structured knowledge laying the foundation for intelligence going forward.

He said we will change the way we approach networks and computing moving toward the intelligent world. 

These two keynote addresses were followed by a panel discussion on the role digital productivity plays in driving industry digitalization, the challenge industries face in the digitization process, their recommended actions and expectations for different industries. 

Panelists in this discussion included Li Peng, Chief Expert of China Southern Power Grid Corporation and Managing Director of its Digital Power Grid Group, Liang Yongii, Executive Director of Engineering and Technology and the Airport Authority of Hong Kong, Liu Hong, Head of Technology at GSMA in Greater China and Charles Ross, Principal of Technology and Society at Economist Impact.

This year’s Huawei Global Analyst Summit was an important chapter in the story of the company and the evolving wireless industry. It showed their vision of the future and their path to get there. 

Pulling the camera back and getting a longer-term, historical view, this summit focused on how Huawei, the wireless industry, and society is changing and will continue to change in country after country around the world.

The wireless industry has been with us for many decades already. Evolving from analog to digital, then from 2G to 3G to 4G and now to 5G. That being said, 6G is being planned as we speak.

The wireless industry will continue to be a very strong and crucial industry for the economy and society of every country. 

There are many important players in this ever changing and always growing wireless industry. Huawei has been an important player and based on their summit, they will continue to be so on a global basis as their recovery continues. 


Jeff Kagan
Jeff Kagan
Jeff is a RCR Wireless News Columnist, Industry Analyst, Key Opinion Leader and Influencer. He shares his colorful perspectives and opinions on the companies and technologies that are transforming the industry he has followed for 35 years. Jeff follows wireless, wire line telecom, Internet, Pay-TV, cable TV, AI, IoT, Digital Healthcare, Cloud, Mobile Pay, Smart cities, Smart Homes and more.