YOU ARE AT:Network InfrastructureWell, technically… Fixed Wireless Access is a key sustainability tool: Qualcomm's Angela...

Well, technically… Fixed Wireless Access is a key sustainability tool: Qualcomm’s Angela Baker (Ep. 101)

Qualcomm’s Chief Sustainability Officer Angela Baker discusses the role that Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) will play in helping rural environments leverage advancements in sustainability. She also shares details about Qualcomm’s approach to FWA and how policy and technology work together to address sustainability issues.


Catherine Sbeglia Nin
Catherine Sbeglia Nin
Catherine is the Managing Editor for RCR Wireless News and Enterprise IoT Insights, where she covers topics such as Wi-Fi, network infrastructure and edge computing. She also hosts Arden Media's podcast Well, technically... After studying English and Film & Media Studies at The University of Rochester, she moved to Madison, WI. Having already lived on both coasts, she thought she’d give the middle a try. So far, she likes it very much.