YOU ARE AT:5GT-Mobile US continues to top 5G speed charts: Ookla

T-Mobile US continues to top 5G speed charts: Ookla

T-Mobile US achieved a median 5G download speed of 220.00 Mbps during Q2 2023

According to the latest Ookla Speedtest data, T-Mobile US continues to come out on top in the U.S. when it comes to practically every 5G category.

T-Mobile US achieved a median 5G download speed of 220.00 Mbps during the second quarter of 2023, while Verizon Wireless remained second and saw a slight increase to 133.50 Mbps and AT&T remained third at 86.01 Mbps. Similarly, T-Mobile US had the lowest median 5G multi-server latency Q2 2023; however, Ookla noted that latency was a “tight race” between all three carries, with T-Mobile users experiencing a median latency of 51 ms, T-Mobile and Verizon users experiencing 53 ms. AT&T trailed behind at 62 ms.

When it came to 5G consistency, Ookla’s data found “no statistical winner” for the quarter. AT&T scored a 66.4% in this category, Verizon scored a 75.1% and T-Mobile US scored a 75.9%.

T-Mobile even surpassed its competitors in its Q2 video score, coming in at 78.70. Verizon Wireless recorded a 5G Video Score of 77.39 and AT&T had a score of 70.40, according to Ookla’s tests.

Ookla also compared the carriers’ performance when not connected to 5G and still found that T-Mobile US was the fastest top mobile operator in the U.S. with a median download speed of 164.76 Mbps on modern chipsets. However, all three carriers saw minor declines in download speed compared to the previous quarter. Specifically, T-Mobile achieved a median download speed of 165.22 Mbps during Q1 2023, and Verizon and AT&T were far behind at 72.61 and 66.16, respectively.


Catherine Sbeglia Nin
Catherine Sbeglia Nin
Catherine is the Managing Editor for RCR Wireless News and Enterprise IoT Insights, where she covers topics such as Wi-Fi, network infrastructure and edge computing. She also hosts Arden Media's podcast Well, technically... After studying English and Film & Media Studies at The University of Rochester, she moved to Madison, WI. Having already lived on both coasts, she thought she’d give the middle a try. So far, she likes it very much.