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Orange to build private 5G network for Aqaba container terminal in Jordan

Orange is to design and build a private 5G network at the Aqaba container terminal in Jordan, handling shipping cargo for the Levant region in the Eastern Mediterranean. It will be the first private 5G network in the country, said Orange, and the operator’s first enterprise-hosted private 5G network in the Middle East and Africa region. Orange Jordan launched public 5G services in July; it is understood the new network will use its public spectrum. 

Aqaba Container Terminal (ACT) is one of five operators at the Port of Aqaba, owned by the Aqaba Development Corporation (ADC). The Port of Aqaba is the only port in Jordan; ACT runs the shipping terminal at the site as a joint venture on a 25-year lease between ADC and Dutch port operator APM Terminals. The new network will improve the “attractiveness and competitiveness” of the port area, and serve as a “magnet” for new investments, said ACT. 

A statement said: “5G will bring an unprecedented quality of service to ACT in the industrial-port zone, alongside the possibility to innovate and develop new tailored use cases.” Orange Jordan called it a “monumental step”; ACT called it a “pivotal moment” in its “journey towards technological excellence”.  

Philippe Mansour, chief executive at Orange Jordan, said: “5G is truly a major technological revolution and a unique opportunity to improve competitiveness, efficiency, and flexibility. As a responsible digital leader, it is at the heart of Orange Jordan to invest in the newest available technologies, innovate, enrich people’s lives, and empower other sectors to help drive economic and social development in Jordan”.

Harald Nijhof, chief executive at ACT, said: “This forward-thinking initiative not only enhances our operational efficiency but also strengthens Aqaba’s digital infrastructure. We are committed to this strategic partnership, which not only supports our current goals but also paves the way for our future strategies and visions. We appreciate Orange Jordan’s… innovation and tailored solutions, and we look forward to… continued success.”


James Blackman
James Blackman
James Blackman has been writing about the technology and telecoms sectors for over a decade. He has edited and contributed to a number of European news outlets and trade titles. He has also worked at telecoms company Huawei, leading media activity for its devices business in Western Europe. He is based in London.