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Kagan: Globalstar must break through loud noise of private wireless


How will Globalstar be seen and heard in 5G private wireless?

Private wireless is one of the most rapidly growing, busiest and noisiest places in the entire industry. Paul Jacobs is the new CEO of Globalstar, and it looks like he wants to put the company on the fast lane to growth in the private wireless space. Jacobs has plenty of wireless experience. Will that be enough? Will that give the company what it needs to break though the noise and chaos and succeed?

Jacobs has street cred. He is the son of Irwin Jacobs, founder of Qualcomm. He was also CEO and Executive Chairman of Qualcomm. He ate and breathed wireless for decades. 

Today, he is the guiding force at Globalstar. And he sees the private wireless growth wave as their growth opportunity. 

Remember, the wireless industry has been with us for 50 years and during that time the focus has changed, time and time again. 

There were leaders of the space when it was analog voice. There were different leaders as it changed to data. And then different leaders when it changed from to 2G to 3G to 4G and to 5G. 

Private wireless will continue to grow going forward

Over time, different companies and different CEOs have led. Could this be what Jacobs sees as an opportunity? Perhaps it is. If it is handled correctly, that is. 

New areas like FWA, 5G Home Internet and Private Wireless mean the industry is embarking on a new journey. A journey that could indeed have new leadership. 

That also means there are real, new opportunities for new growth and new leadership.

That being said, there are quite a few others working hard to become leaders in these new spaces. 

All that simply means the leadership battle will not be easy. 

Wireless grows one step at a time, like a staircase

We all see how the wireless industry is moving in several new directions. Private wireless is one of them. 

There are many companies moving into the private wireless space. Some larger and others smaller. Some more rapidly than others. But the private wireless space is a healthy and growing space. 

As more companies enter this space, the loud noise makes it difficult to break through, be seen, heard and noticed.

That is one of the big challenges. To break through this noise level just to get noticed by enterprise customers, investors, workers and the media. 

Globalstar wants to become top private wireless competitor

All that being said, private wireless is the chaotic space Jacobs is taking Globalstar. Knowing Jacobs, he wants to become a leader in the space.

Without Jacobs, success would be very difficult fighting against the rapidly growing competitive industry. With him, Globalstar has a powerful voice if used correctly. A tool to be seen and heard. So, he gives the company a more powerful chance at success. 

Today, there is no known leader in the private wireless space yet, but there are many players. All these companies mean the space is very noisy and chaotic. 

Globalstar needs strategy for breaking through noise, getting noticed

Being discovered in all this chaos calls for both a loud blowhorn, top-level technology and that certain something that only a few CEO’s have. The term charisma comes to mind, but it’s more than that. 

This is one, key, important secret of success. We have seen it before with other companies. We will see it again here and now with private wireless.

So, what path will Globalstar take to punch their way into the consciousness of the industry and ultimately be as successful.

It all depends on their strategy for breaking through the industry noise and getting noticed. 

Over the past several decades, I have watched and advised many CEOs. That experience convinces me we are gearing up for an exciting race to leadership in private wireless.

So, I will keep my eyes on Jacobs and this company and their path to growth and I will share with you anything of interest I discover. 

One thing is for sure, with or without Globalstar, private wireless is a sector that continues to get hotter with every quarter that passes. It will be an important sector moving forward. 

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