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Celona integrates cybersecurity from Palo Alto Networks into private 4G/5G system

US-based private cellular provider Celona has teamed up with Palo Alto Networks to integrate the latter’s cyber-security and -analysis software into its private 4G and 5G network management solutions. It means enterprises can gain closer visibility and control of the identity profiles and access rights of cellular IoT devices in their private networks. It is pitched to sensitive logistics, manufacturing, and transportation enterprises, particularly.

Specifically, Celona is offering Palo Alto Networks’ Cortex XSOAR software, for device-level security intelligence and automation, with its own Orchestrator platform for management of private cellular systems. It said it now integrates with Palo Alto Networks’ Network Security Platform and Enterprise IoT security offering. Essential client information is exchanged via open APIs between the two environments. 

The combination means enterprises get “real-time” mapping of device IMEI/IMSI data and IP addressing, said Celona – to enable “automated enforcement of zero-trust policies” around device access, plus incident profiling and behavioural analysis. A statement said benefits include the ability to identify and profile IoT devices, and to automate risk assessment and detect threats without disrupting network services between client and application software.

“This approach allows for dynamic, real time, granular, security policies per subscriber and equipment identities, groups, and ranges, not just security policies per IP,” said Celona. It also claimed “additional visibility, behaviour-analyses, and security policies/prevention per equipment identifier”, whether based on International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) or Permanent Equipment Identifier (PEI).

Leonid Burakovsky, vice president of product management for 5G security at Palo Alto Networks, said: “For 5G to live up to its promise of transforming industries, enterprises require assurance that the security of 5G networks, services, and applications is robust. Security built on the principles of a Zero Trust architecture has the potential to drive digital transformation across all industries, from manufacturing and industrial sectors to energy, healthcare, and more.”

Dariush Afshar, vice president of business development and strategic operations at Celona, said: “Our integration with Palo Alto Networks strengthens enterprise security strategies by delivering a unified access fabric supporting both private 4G and 5G technologies, allowing customers to now realize true end-to-end Zero Trust network security.”


James Blackman
James Blackman
James Blackman has been writing about the technology and telecoms sectors for over a decade. He has edited and contributed to a number of European news outlets and trade titles. He has also worked at telecoms company Huawei, leading media activity for its devices business in Western Europe. He is based in London.