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Liberty Global and Nokia open public 5G for smart-port apps in Antwerp

Image: Seafar

Image: Seafar

Liberty Global is working with Nokia to open up its Belgian subsidiary’s public 5G network to developers to deliver new enterprise applications for the Port of Antwerp. Telenet, owned by Liberty Global, is offering application programming interfaces (APIs) and software development kits (SDKs) to developers to access network functionality and data in its 5G network. Nokia is supplying the tools for them to do this, via a tier-up with Liberty Global.

The work is a “real-life implementation” of the Open Gateway initiative, launched last year by the GSMA, to standardise APIs in standalone 5G (5G SA) networks to speed up innovation. Nokia’s network-as-code platform (Network as Code Platform) and developer portal provides the API and SDK access to Telenet’s network in Belgium. “This enables developers to build new applications for use cases they can sell to their customers,” said a statement.

The trial at the Port of Antwerp is also part of Liberty Global’s network-as-a-service (NaaS) project. Shipping firm Seafar and nanoelectronics R&D hub Imec have also been involved in the Belgian smart port tests. Specifically, these have delivered high-definition video streams to remote ship captains, helping them to manoeuvre shipping vessels through busy areas. The setup required “real-time data, ultra-low latency, and zero-touch automation”, they said.

It relied on cameras and sensors on the boats to establish “dynamic geofences”, and machine learning algorithms to deliver “situational awareness”. As well as the Nokia inputs, the trial used Imec’s edge application middleware to “bridge the gap between the vessel’s real-time requirements and the 5G network”, and Seafar’s ‘shore control centre’ to guarantee network reliability, availability, and latency – “which existing commercial networks do not provide”.

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A statement explained: “As vessels approached areas that require increased situational awareness, network capacity was automatically prioritised to guarantee high-quality live video feeds. This allowed Seafar’s captains to manoeuvre vessels through these areas safely, without having to slow down or wait during loading and unloading, improving efficiency and reducing fuel consumption. It also enabled them to work across multiple vessels at the same time.”

Liberty Global’s NaaS solution “creates an ecosystem” using standardised APIs, as per the open source CAMARA project within the Linux Foundation, on Imec’s apps. “This allows an effective and reliable use of network resources, on demand, while avoiding the need for dedicated… mobile infrastructure. By leveraging a 5G SA network, built in the cloud, customers only pay for what they need, while also benefiting from granular control [and] maximum flexibility.”

Shkumbin Hamiti, head of network monetization in Nokia’s cloud and network services unit, said: “[This] expands the possibilities of bringing simplified network capabilities to developers at the Port of Antwerp that can be translated into new applications for their customers. We look forward to expanding our collaboration with Liberty Global and delivering on our strategic commitment to leverage the broader B2B digitalization ecosystem at the port.”

Madalina Suceveanu, managing director for mobile and cloud at Liberty Global, said: “This trial leverages 5G SA, cloud and edge computing, and AI-driven computer vision applications. 5G… can drive improvements… for both enterprises and consumers in ways that were not possible a few years ago. The framework we have developed with Nokia will give us the opportunity to access a large untapped market [and] develop even more use cases in many sectors beyond shipping.”

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