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Actility to “overhaul” IoT in Italy, boost IoT in global agriculture

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France-based low-power IoT specialist Actility, operating and selling LoRaWAN infrastructure, is working with Italian IoT provider Urbana Smart Solutions to “overhaul” and extend Italy’s IoT infrastructure. The deal will see Urbana manage the rollout of LoRaWAN infrastructure “throughout Italy”, and the integration of combined IoT services and development of tailored IoT solutions on top, the pair said. 

At the same time, Actility has also announced a deal with Australia-based water management company Rubicon Water, which provides solutions to manage water availability in open canal networks, and to improve agricultural productivity. It serves a global customer base. Rubicon Water will work with Actility to enable its flagship IoT sensor product, called Total Channel Control (TCC), to work with LoRaWAN networks.

Actility talked in both cases about how the new partnerships will help to scale LoRaWAN usage around the world, and drive smarter management of urban spaces and natural resources. Nicolas Jordan, chief operating officer, said of the deal with Urbana: “We will create a robust and scalable network infrastructure [to] unlock the full potential of IoT.” The company said the Rubicon deal will go to “revolutionize Italy’s IoT landscape”.

Urbana Smart Solutions, which refers to itself as a “pioneer in IoT platform development”, is focused on smart cities and smart industries in Italy, and on IoT solutions for building management more generally. It is to “integrate” its “full-stack platform” (presumably covering sensing, connectivity, computing, analytics) and building-management solutions with Actility’s LoRaWAN infrastructure, the story goes. 

This will “create a comprehensive, scalable IoT ecosystem… to enhance enterprise-grade IoT applications, providing a foundation that supports expansive growth and adapts to [future] demands,” the pair claimed. The Italian firm will develop “network solutions… tailored to the unique needs of Italian cities and industries”, said a statement. It went on: “Infrastructure [will be] not-only resilient but also capable of handling the increasing data demands of modern IoT.”

The initiative is supposed to work across “multiple platforms”, apparently. They called it a “significant leap forward in the quest to modernize Italy’s IoT infrastructure”, which will “also provide a blueprint for future IoT deployments”. Massimiliano Pesce, managing director at Urbana, said: “By leveraging our cutting-edge IoT platform and Actility’s expertise, we can provide cities and businesses with the tools they need to thrive in the digital age.”

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Meanwhile, Actility’s new deal with Rubicon Water is geared to integrate LoRaWAN into the Australian firm’s water management technology for the agricultural sector. Rubicon is “one of the only companies” providing solutions to automate the distribution of surface water in large canal networks. Its flagship IoT sensor product, Total Channel Control (TCC), manages water from the “point of diversion down to the farm via … interconnected smart-gates”.

It reckons efficiency improvements range from 60 percent to over 90 percent. Sensors in the smart gates measure and control water to reduce losses and optimize its distribution into farm. LoRaWAN will be integrated into these sensors / gates with help from Actility. The pair have already worked to combine Rubicon Water’s TP Embedded (TPE) solution management platform with Actility’s ThingPark infrastructure management platform. 

They plan to also launch firmware over-the-air (FOTA) updates by late 2024, they said. Rubicon Water sells its TCC product in 20 countries, with notable business in Australia, Italy, and India. One of Australia’s largest irrigation districts is saving 429 gigalitres of water annually, apparently. Actility said integration with its LoRaWAN platform will bring “stability enhancements in communicating end-to-end data packets across wide geographic areas”.

Bruce Rodgerson, chief executive at Rubicon Water, said: “The collaboration… is opening a world of new possibilities in the agricultural water space, especially in regard to the benefits that FUOTA introduces in remote areas. This solution not only caters to existing customers but also provides an accessible entry point for new customers seeking improved water management. It’s a valuable addition… and offers scalability for emerging markets..”

Olivier Hersent, chief executive at Actility, said: “[This] marks a pivotal advancement in our mission to empower sustainable agriculture through advanced IoT. This… allows us to deliver robust, scalable technologies that not only enhance water management… but also drive environmental benefits globally. We are excited to set new standards in irrigation efficiency, paving the way for a future where water sustainability is at the forefront of agricultural innovation.”

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