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Kagan: The three different types of companies in the AI game

Every day we see companies, who in their advertising and marketing talk about how they are in the AI game. I have noticed how there are different kinds of companies who use AI in different ways. Today, there are at least three different and distinct company types in Artificial Intelligence. As I discuss these three, think about where your company fits in.

In addition, it is important to understand that even though AI has been with us in one form or another over many decades, it is a fast moving and always changing sector. That will only continue moving forward. That means what works today, may or may not work tomorrow. 

The three different kinds of AI companies are as follows:

Type one are the leaders in the AI industry, like Nvidia, AMD and others. These are the companies who pave the roads or build the buildings. Like Qualcomm and Huawei are in wireless, these companies supply chips and equipment that makes AI run for all sorts of companies. 

Type two are the large number of AI corporate customers. These companies use AI to redefine their products, services and offerings, or to update the way they run their business for workers and customers. Some companies are open about this, while others are quiet. 

Three, are companies who use the AI term primarily in marketing and advertising, to sound like they are players in this world. Too many discuss AI as being more important to them, then it actually is. They just do not want to miss the AI growth wave.

Then of course there are other companies who are not in the AI game at all. They are either delaying and will jump in later, or they don’t think they have any need.

First-mover advantage for early-adopters of AI

So, what about your company? How do you play in the AI game? Are you an early adopter, a player, a leader, or are you a follower? 

Let me share an example or two with you. When the commercial Internet was being grown in the 1990s, there were all sorts of new ideas and companies that popped up on the web. They all thrived, for a while. Only a few were profitable at that point. 

Some were winners like who ultimately redefined shopping for sellers and buyers. Countless others of all stripes failed during the Dot-Com bubble burst like CompuServe, Prodigy, WebVan and countless others.

Expect the same with Artificial Intelligence. It will be a bumpy road ahead with different highs and lows and different companies and technologies surging forward as the sector matures and changes. 

Who will the corporate winners be in AI for the long-term?

The question everyone wants an answer to is who will the long-term winners be? Who will be the of the AI age? 

AI is here to stay. Picking the right companies and technologies to invest in, work for or buy from is always key. Some are short-term winners. Others are longer-term winners. 

In these early days, customers, investors, workers, even regulators are confused about the new technology and how it will impact and change our world. 

You see, AI can and will take new and different pathways forward. 

Too many investors, executives, users are confused about AI

Those who are confused today will not readily admit they are lost in their confusion around AI. Remember, just because someone can talk about AI, does not make them an expert. 

Many people know a little about one section of AI, but very few have a solid understanding of the whole ball of wax.

Remember, when ChatGPT was launched by OpenAI about a year and a half ago, the leaders of companies like Microsoft and Google said they didn’t understand how this whole thing worked. 

In fact, many executives at many companies in the AI space advised their workers not to use this new technology because of the great unknown.

That should create a bit of fear in the hearts of every one of us. If these top industry experts and executives don’t know, how are the rest of us going to do so?

These days it is easy to get confused. AI is a larger, top-level term, under which are a variety of sub-categories like ChatGPT, GenAI and many others. Another difference is there are different categories of AI like reactive, limited memory, theory of mind, self-aware and more as we move forward. 

Today, the marketplace is confused and excited about AI

This new AI technology, which few understand, push us out of our comfort zone. 

Like when the first automobile was created. Back then we could not imagine how far they would have come or how the nation would become full of streets and highways, gas stations, or how they would redefine cities and destinations and growth.

Remember when Route 66 was the way across country with countless things to see and do. Now, not so much. New technology often changes our world in new, exciting and confusing ways. 

This was an experience that has grown and changed over time. Still is. And this is the same confusing and exciting path AI is on today. 

Every company wants to ride the AI growth wave, but only some are real

AI has only just begun to transform our world. But today, we are still only in the very early innings of this new game.

This means we all need to get up-to-speed, and quickly, and stay there as the technology continues to mature and advance and change.

Artificial Intelligence has been around in different levels for many decades already. However, in the past year and a half, things have really exploded with growth.

ChatGPT recently burst onto the scene and sparked an enormous growth wave which has spread to many other versions or sectors of the technology. 

As AI matures, it will become clearer to know who the real leaders are

Not wanting to miss this enormous growth wave, it seems every company is including AI in their marketing, advertising and investing talking points regardless of their actual involvement.

That makes the marketplace even more confusing. Most do not understand this new technology and where it will take us.

Today, we are still in the very early days of this rapidly growing and always changing story. 

As AI matures and grows, it will become clearer how it will change our world. At that point we will be able to see more clearly which companies are leaders, followers or those who are just trying to ride the AI growth wave. 

So, let’s keep our eyes open for the real AI growth companies and opportunities. We are now on a rapid and always changing growth wave.


Jeff Kagan
Jeff Kagan
Jeff is a RCR Wireless News Columnist, Industry Analyst, Key Opinion Leader and Influencer. He shares his colorful perspectives and opinions on the companies and technologies that are transforming the industry he has followed for 35 years. Jeff follows wireless, wire line telecom, Internet, Pay-TV, cable TV, AI, IoT, Digital Healthcare, Cloud, Mobile Pay, Smart cities, Smart Homes and more.