YOU ARE AT:5GKagan: Network X wireless trade show focuses on new wireless growth

Kagan: Network X wireless trade show focuses on new wireless growth

Wireless expands to Private Wireless, FWA, wireless broadband, AI, Wi-Fi 7

The past decade has seemed to be tougher than usual for the wireless industry. During the past decade, wireless has taken some strange paths in the search. Now, finally, it may have found a few new areas for growth. Plus, more will likely enter the stage going forward. Let’s take a closer look at what kind of growth opportunities we have to work with today. 

Today, some new areas of wireless growth include private wireless, FWA, 5G wireless home broadband and Wi-Fi 7.All of these topics — and more — will be highlighted at global trade show and convention, taking place in October in Paris.

New growth opportunities and risks in wireless and telecom

The wireless industry is currently taking some new and different paths for growth. Wireless has grown as an industry through a series of rapid and slower growth waves over the past 50 years. 

Every “G” like 5G which we are in today starts the next wave of growth. Over time, that growth wave rises, crests and falls. The industry continues to move forward with the next “G” starting the next growth wave.

It has been this way from analog to digital. Then from 2G all the way to 5G where we are today. And it will continue moving forward to 6G and beyond. 

The past decade has not been typical. To find new areas of growth, several wireless carriers have expanded their reach… or tried to anyway.

Example, both AT&T and Verizon made acquisitions of news, entertainment and shopping companies to expand the company in those new directions.

After several years, this did not work. Plus, the technology continues to move forward and continually change. 

Example, cable TV and telephone used to be leaders of the pack. They saw growth until about 20 years ago. Since around the year 2000, growth has crested and has reversed.

Wireless and streaming have taken away the growth from telephone and cable TV. Wireless has seemed a bit lost in all the chaos for a while, but fortunately new ideas and thinking are pumping vigor back into this industry. 

AI is playing an increasingly important role in wireless and telecom

Over the past several years we have seen wireless expand to Private Wireless, FWA, wireless broadband, Wi-Fi 7 and so much more. In fact, I expect to see other new growth avenues as well.

Plus, AI or Artificial Intelligence is playing an increasing role in the way wireless works. The services offered to customers. The way wireless companies interact with employees, customers and so much more.

There are an increasing number of new services created by new technology in all these different areas.

Large companies with strong brand names in other parts of the industry are entering these areas. Smaller companies with breakthrough ideas and technology are also entering the space.

Some of these companies compete with each other. Some are smaller and younger with brilliant new ideas but need financial backing to give them the time they need to grow.

M&A is playing increasing role in newer areas of wireless

That’s why we are starting to see M&A in the space like HPE acquiring Juniper Networks. I believe we will see more of this going forward.

The good news is the next decade will be exciting with new growth from new areas. The bad news is it can be tough to pick the solid, growth companies from a raging sea of noise and distraction. 

One important question to ask is who will thrive and who will struggle? Only time will tell. 

Fortunately, I believe the wireless industry is heading in these new growth directions. This is good news for investors, customers, workers and the industry as a whole.


Jeff Kagan
Jeff Kagan
Jeff is a RCR Wireless News Columnist, Industry Analyst, Key Opinion Leader and Influencer. He shares his colorful perspectives and opinions on the companies and technologies that are transforming the industry he has followed for 35 years. Jeff follows wireless, wire line telecom, Internet, Pay-TV, cable TV, AI, IoT, Digital Healthcare, Cloud, Mobile Pay, Smart cities, Smart Homes and more.