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Blues and Blynk strike deal on low-power no-code cellular IoT

Low-power cellular IoT hardware maker Blues is working with no-code IoT software provider Blynk to provide simpler IoT tools for IoT developers. The partnership, providing “cloud-to-cloud integration”, means Blues customers can use the Blynk platform to build custom mobile apps to monitor and control their IoT devices without needing specialised software development skills.

The pair flagged highlights of the integration, including a no-code drag-and-drop app builder and “scalable” device management to “quickly create” IoT apps (“no coding required”) and manage “thousands” of IoT devices in the field. The result for developers is less time and fewer resources (“minimal development overhead”, spent on complex IoT projects, and a faster time-to-market.

On the flip-side, Blynk said the partnership “introduces” Blues’ low-power IoT hardware, described as “ideal for applications where Wi-Fi is unavailable or unreliable”, to its own customer base. It cited the value of “more flexible and reliable” low-power cellular IoT, mostly in the form of NB-IoT and LTE-M, for agriculture, logistics, and sundry tracking jobs in “remote or mobile” environments.

US-based claims a “million engineers and 5,000 businesses” use its platform to build IoT apps. Iryna Lyashchuk, president at Blynk, commented: “Our no-code tools are designed to eliminate the barriers of traditional IoT app development. This partnership gives Blues customers the ability to build and launch functional, customized IoT apps in a fraction of the time it would normally take.”

Brandon Satrom, senor vice president of product and experience at Blues, commented: “By combining our low-power cellular hardware with Blynk’s intuitive software, we’re enabling developers to build solutions that are reliable and easy to scale. This integration is especially valuable for applications where power efficiency and constant connectivity are crucial.”

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