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Kagan: Air Wireless introduces DOCSIS wireless broadband for cable TV


Yesterday, Air Wireless just popped-up on the radar. They are a new company with a top team of executives who are using a new twist of DOCSIS to help companies offer wireless broadband. This wireless DOCSIS helps cable television, broadband providers and wireless networks quickly expand their ability to offer data or broadband services to their customers. 

DOCSIS is a technology that is already being used in the cable TV industry to deliver data. The difference here is that this is wireless, and that is a compelling solution to a growing problem.

I was recently briefed by Air Wireless senior executives. I have to admit the space they are in, wireless data, seems to be rapidly growing in importance as a new solution to a growing problem faced by companies in several sectors. 

FWA let’s wireless carriers compete with cable TV on wireless broadband

FWA was first to market with their new idea. This technology let’s wireless carriers offer wireless broadband to their customers. This is good news for the wireless industry, but not so much for the cable TV wireline broadband services.

FWA lets wireless networks compete with cable TV wireline broadband. This creates a new competitive battleground against the cable television industry. 

Next, Air Wireless is jumping in with their wireless DOCSIS technology. 

It looks like it will be a way for the cable TV industry to help them hang onto their valuable broadband customers using wireless technology and their existing DOCSIS. 

Will Air Wireless DOCSIS work with or compete with FWA?

Today, broadband is the center of the cable TV universe. Going forward, DOCSIS wireless broadband technology can also help wireless carriers and broadband providers as well with new services.

An interesting question is, will Air Wireless DOCSIS technology compete with or work with FWA inside the networks of wireless carriers? What about other companies like cable TV and broadband competitors?

It may depend on how this new segment develops over time. So, we don’t know yet. We will have to wait and see. 

Air Wireless has started testing their gear with a growing number of cable TV and broadband competitors, globally. They are still early in the process.

Early adopters act first for a competitive advantage

This is a new idea which needs to be proven among all these companies and their networks. Some will jump in sooner while others will take their time. Early adopters will enter first. 

There are early adopters or leaders, then there is the rest of the marketplace. 

The factor that is in Air Wireless favor is the fact that if competitors seem to jump on this new technology because it is proven, then others will start to jump in as well.

Air Wireless says they are first to market with wireless DOCSIS

Air Wireless tells me they are the first to market with this new approach of wireless DOCSIS. 

That means today, they say they have no direct competition. Something which may change quickly once this becomes a proven solution.

Air Wireless has a big job ahead of them. They need to create an awareness of this new industry segment. They need to promote both their own company and educate the marketplace on this new solution as well.

Wireless carriers use FWA to compete with cable TV wired broadband

Bottom line, today wireless carriers are starting to offer FWA wireless broadband services as a new growth engine. This is early in its growth curve as well. 

That means FWA from wireless carriers threatens the cable TV broadband operators. That’s why they need to find a new solution to hang onto their broadband market share.

Could this Air Wireless DOCSIS wireless broadband service be that magic bullet?  

Everything is changing. What will the marketplace look like tomorrow? What new services will we be using tomorrow?

So, Air Wireless is announcing they are entering the competitive marketplace. First with testing, then with rolling out their services to a growing number of companies and networks. 

This may be the beginning of what may turn into a very interesting story to follow. This could be the next generation of broadband. 

I will follow them going forward and learn more about Air Wireless and write more about what I learn. 

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