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Nokia combines with e& on industrial AI in UAE, signs AI Pact to facilitate AI Act in EU

Nokia Bell Labs, the research arm of Finnish network vendor Nokia, has joined with UAE-based mobile operator e&, formerly Etisalat Group, to create AI-based use cases for industrial sectors. The pair have signed a non-binding 12-month Industry 4.0 research-and-development (R&D) deal, with a particular focus on AI. Nokia is working with e& already to deploy private 5G for industrial enterprises in Abu Dhabi, and also to build the “energy industry’s largest” private 5G network for state-owned UAE oil company ADNOC.

The goal of the new research collaboration is to develop “responsible AI solutions for sustainable enterprise and industrial automation applications”, the pair said. There is a focus on development of “innovation concepts toward real world deployments”, also. They will look to bring in third-party knowhow from industrial companies and universities and other research centres. Private 5G appears to be a key ingredient in their proposed R&D work, as an enterprise platform for AI.

A statement declared: “Network connectivity, AI, and advanced computing are foundational in solving the difficult industrial challenges of productivity, efficiency, safety, health and sustainability faced by many industrial sectors today.” But both companies emphasised their AI credentials, also. Nokia Bell Labs is an “industry leader” in responsible AI, said Nokia – having “defined six principles to guide AI… [for] fairness, reliability, privacy, transparency, sustainability, and accountability”. 

Nokia issued a statement today (September 26) say it has joined the AI Pact, a framework to help enterprises prepare for compliance with the EU’s new AI Act, which came into force in August, and takes effect in stages over the next three years. The AI Act seeks to regulate the use of AI systems according to their perceived risk level. Meanwhile, e& is a “pioneering force” in AI and generative AI in “33 operating markets”, it said; it also has a 2030 deadline to hit net-zero in the UAE.

Thierry Klein, president of solutions research at Nokia Bell Labs, said: “By jointly developing applications…s that leverage our expertise in responsible AI, software, and data systems, we will accelerate the digital transformation that provides new technologies for a safer, more productive and more sustainable future. We look forward to co-creating ground-breaking solutions that can unlock new business opportunities for industrial operations in the Middle East and beyond.”

Dena Almansoori, group chief for AI at e&, said: “While we realise the immense potential of AI, it’s equally important to build strong protections to ensure its responsible development and deployment. This will be the foundation of our collaboration…. By combining Nokia Bell Labs’ expertise in AI research and our deep understanding of industrial applications, we are set to explore… innovative solutions that address the urgent challenges facing industries today.”

Ingrid Viitanen, general counsel for strategy and technology at Nokia, said the company’s pledge to join the new AI Pact business framework goes alongside the company’s own AI governance framework, to “strengthen” its own AI-related processes and to build trust with stakeholders. She stated: “We continue to contribute actively to building industry standards reflecting the AI Act’s requirements. We look forward to sharing learnings… with industry peers and the EU’s AI Office.”


James Blackman
James Blackman
James Blackman has been writing about the technology and telecoms sectors for over a decade. He has edited and contributed to a number of European news outlets and trade titles. He has also worked at telecoms company Huawei, leading media activity for its devices business in Western Europe. He is based in London.