WASHINGTON-The work done by Ambassador Gail Schoettler at the recently concluded World Radiocommunication Conference undermines the notion that a permanent political position needs to be created, said FCC Commissioner Harold Furchtgott-Roth.
“I have to say that the need for a full-time political presence was undermined by the fine work by Ambassador Schoettler. It is a risky position. If the conference had not turned out well for the U.S. position” then there might have been a need for permanent leadership, said Furchtgott Roth.
Other countries conduct full-time planning while the U.S. conducts planning by agency and then appoints senior political staff-including an ambassador-about one year before each WRC. WRCs are held approximately every two years.
Furchtgott-Roth made his statements at his monthly media briefing.