YOU ARE AT:Archived ArticlesPadcom offers roaming service for Nextel users

Padcom offers roaming service for Nextel users

BETHLEHEM, Pa.-Wireless software developer Padcom Inc. said it will team with Nextel Communications Inc. to market a roaming product between the iDEN infrastructure and other networks.

Dubbed TotalRoam, the offering is designed to create a virtual private network for Nextel users moving from the carrier’s system to other networks, including Wi-Fi, mesh and legacy private radio systems. The companies will market the software to government agencies and businesses with field workers looking for high-speed wireless data access.

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“Carriers like Nextel play a critical role in the mobile ecosystem,” said Scott Stone, Padcom’s chief executive officer. “Integrating security and seamless network roaming into their portfolio creates a true mobility solution, enabling customers to take advantage of Nextel’s extensive network coverage and combine it with the speed provided by wireless LANs or mesh networks.”