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Senate moves on white space proposal

Senate lawmakers on Friday introduced bipartisan legislation to reserve unused slots in broadcast spectrum for wireless broadband access.

The unused or unassigned broadcast frequencies are known as white spaces. The Wireless Innovation Act of 2006 requires the Federal Communications Commission to permit unlicensed use of unassigned broadcast spectrum between 54 MHz and 698 MHz within 180 days of enactment.

Lining up behind the bill are Sens. George Allen (R-Va.), John Kerry (D-Mass.), John Sununu (R-N.H.) and Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.).

“Instead of just talking about it, we need to make affordable broadband a reality everywhere,” Kerry said. “In communities large and small, broadband access connects mothers to children, students to innovative new learning technologies and first responders to citizens in times of crisis.”

Allen agreed. “This legislation will enable entrepreneurs to provide affordable, competitive high-speed wireless broadband services in areas that otherwise have no connectivity to broadband Internet.”

President Bush has set a goal of achieving universal, affordable broadband service by 2007.