If credit cards are eventually going to be usurped by mobile devices, why not gift cards and membership cards? Qualcomm Inc. (QCOM) subsidiary Outlier Inc. agrees.
The company launched a new mobile app called Swagg that manages gift, loyalty and membership cards. The free app is currently available for iOS and Android devices.
Swagg, which also allow users to view available balance and reward information, is compatible with more than 250 brands of gift cards and reward cards. The app is also equipped with a gifting feature that users can utilize to give, get and exchange gifts from a group of participating merchants.
Swagg is also partnering with Stand Up To Cancer and donating up to $125,000 in $1 increments for each person that downloads and registers by the end of the year.
“We created Swagg to enable consumers to have more of what they need while carrying less,” said Rocco Fabiano, president of Outlier. “Swagg is part of a revolution to enhance the way consumers transact by reducing their dependence on plastic gift cards, which can be lost, misplaced or expire before consumers have a chance to fully use them. Swagg is designed to become a part of the modern shopper’s lifestyle by leveraging the power of their mobile device.”
Gift-card disruptor Swagg launches on iOS and Android