Mobile Midday News: Episode 104


    Dec 1, 2014
    Listen Here:Mobile Midday Podcast Episode 104
    Mobile Midday News talking points
    Today’s show is brought to you by, the industry’s largest resume database and job board.

    • Carriers are offering Cyber Monday promotions and Auction 97 has neared $38.5B. RCR Wireless Editor and Chief, Dan Meyer provides insight.
    • American Tower is reportedly looking to spend $1B to buy 51% of India’s Viom. Viom is a tower company controlled by Tata Teleservices. American Tower reportedly wants to merge Viom’s estimated 42,000 towers with the 12,000 towers it already owns in India. This would be the 3rd major purchase by American Tower in just the last few weeks.
    • Major tower company Crown Castle has started a pilot strengthening project out in Southern California. Crown Castle is working with a Pile Medic, out of Arizona, to strengthen three towers. In a nutshell, Pile Medic uses a composite fabric that is wrapped around a tower then covered with resin to make it hard. Aside from making towers more resistant to earthquakes, the product can also be used to increase a tower’s weight load so more hardware can be added to it.
    • RCR Wireless editor Claudia Bacco explores AT&T’s focus on connected cars. The AT&T Foundry consists of innovation centers that develop applications and services. Cascade for Cars enables voice and messaging via the vehicle’s head unit as opposed to over a Bluetooth link from your smartphone. It also allows multiple devices to connect to a single head unit.
    • American Movil’s Argentinean subsidiary, Claro was awarded spectrum to deploy 3G and 4G. The carrier was awarded six 3G bands for three areas of operation, as well as two 4G coverage frequencies throughout the country. Once payment is made, Claro will be allowed to start using the acquired 3G portion, as well as begin deployment of 4G infrastructure to provide 4G service..
    • Companies are now using Hadoop Data Storage and analytics package to make risk management decisions based on customer preferences.