Global Joe: Daily Telecom and ICT News Episode 115


    Global Joe: Daily Telecom and ICT News Episode 115
    Dec. 16, 2014
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    The CEO of Telecom Italia says the company wants to buy some or all of the interest in Milan-based fiber opeator Metroweb. Vodafone has reached out Italy’s regulators suggesting that licensed Italian telecom operators jointly take ownership of Metroweb.
    KDDI is using Gemalto’s Up Teq multi-tenant LTE SIM to secure its voice over LTE services. KDDI has 40 million subscribers in Japan and offers voice and data service on one LTE network.
    Microsoft has announced the launch of its most affordable 4G smartphone in the Inida market. The Nokia Lumia 638 costs about $130; customers can get up to 5 Gigabytes of free 4G data for two months.
    More device news, rumors are flying that Samsung will unveil the new Galaxy S6 at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas next month. The phone is reportedly equipped with a new chip.
    Telecom service provider Axiata is looking to tighten its belt through a global framework agreement with network vendors including Ericsson, Huawei, NEC and SIAE. The company plans to save $100 million over three years through a streamlined business procurement platform.