NEW ORLEANS, La. – At DAS and Small Cell Congress 2015, Dali Wireless announced it will be charged with building out and upgrading the public safety communications network at the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport.
Dali, a global provider of advanced all-digital RF routers, will provide the airport with in-building wireless public safety coverage for first responders and other emergency personnel that will allow them to handle mission-critical communications more quickly and efficiently.
“At DFW specifically, they have a need to upgrade their system,” Lance Craft, VP of sales for the Americas at Dali Wireless said of the project. “They have a need to expand their system and Dali was accepted to be that vendor.”
Go to 1:04 in this video to hear Craft talk about the project.
The project will span all five passenger terminals at the airport and cover 12 million square feet. The network will support 150, 450, 700, 800, 900 MHZ frequencies on the public safety network.
Dali Wireless will design and install an all-digital distributed antenna system to provide coverage and access throughout the terminals for public safety and homeland security procedures. The deployment will consist of the Dali t-Series PS solution, which consists of the headed t-Host PS and the medium and high power remote units.
Dali says the “t-Series PS is an end-to-end digital platform, which enables a greater reach without signal degradation and noise interference, ensuring superior signal performance.”
The configuration can cater to star, loop, daisy-chained and hybrid topologies and support 20-40 km over a single fiber between the headend and the remotes. Dali believes this can bring down total cost of management due to its flexibility and scalability.
Craft believes this will not be Dali’s last foray into the public safety sector in airports and beyond: “Public safety is going to continue to be an avenue of our success,” he said. “As you know with the commercial and public safety in the U.S., we certainly can support both.”
In addition to showcasing the t-Series PS at DAS and Small Cell Congress, Dali was also represented by sales director, Geoff O’Neill, who spoke on the “DAS Optimization and Monitoring Techniques for Peak Performance” panel.