SAN FRANCISCO-Billboard magazine and Consect, a mobile market analysis firm, announced the Billboard Hot Ringtones chart, an aggregated chart of U.S. polyphonic ringtone sales, which will premiere in the Nov. 6 issue of Billboard in the debut of the magazine’s new Digital Entertainment special section.
The sales ranking chart will include song title, artist, previous week’s position and number of weeks on the chart.
The data for the Billboard Hot Ringtones chart will be compiled from ringtone providers including 9Squared, AGInteractive, Dwango Wireless, Faith West, Infospace Mobile, Kanematsu, Zingy and Ztango Inc. It has been endorsed by the Cellular Telecommunications & Internet Association and the Mobile Entertainment Forum.
“This chart recognizes the significant impact of the nascent $300 million mobile music market in America and will further its growth as the rest of the industry realizes the relationship between mobile downloads and new music sales,” said Consect Chief Executive Officer Mark Frieser.