YOU ARE AT:CarriersKagan: Which is the best wireless service and handset?

Kagan: Which is the best wireless service and handset?

Which wireless carrier and which handset is best? It’s your turn to weigh in. Which service has the best, most reliable quality and speed. Which has the lowest price? Which factors are most important to your selection, price, network speed, reach, quality and reliability? What about the handset? Which do you prefer and why?

Is it Verizon Wireless, AT&T Mobility, T-Mobile, Sprint, one of the smaller providers like C Spire Wireless or Tracfone, or one of the newer players like Google Project Fi or Comcast Xfinity Mobile? Do you use post-paid or pre-paid services? Full priced or discount priced? What’s most important to you, quality, speed and reach or price?

Verizon Wireless, AT&T Mobility, T-Mobile, Sprint

What about the handset? Which is your favorite handset and why? Is it iPhone, Android or one of the other devices? If it’s iPhone or Android, which version do you prefer and why. If Android, which handset maker do you prefer, Google Pixel, Samsung Galaxy, HTC, Motorola or another?

I will be writing a column with the results, so I hope you will weigh in. This should be very interesting. Let’s see if the reasons customers like and dislike certain carriers and handset makers are different from what we think. Will we be surprised?

C Spire, Google Project Fi, Comcast Xfinity Mobile

Tell me why did you made your choice? Did you choose the carrier because of price, quality, reliability, network reach or speed? Maybe you would prefer another brand, but the one you use works best in your area. Do you mostly use wireless for voice or wireless data like email, text, web surfing, navigation, social networks and assorted apps?

What about the handset itself. Are you a basic user or advanced? Do you use your phone for calls, text and occasional web browsing, or do you use it for much more like mobile wallet and other apps? Do you have loads of memory or not? Do you watch video, movies and TV? Tell me what you like and use and why?

Handset maker like Apple iPhone, Google Android, Samsung Galaxy

Over the years, we have all read the different reports on wireless services. Sometimes they fit. Sometimes they don’t. The good news is all carriers and handsets are all better each year. Even so, there are always some which are better than others. Sometimes it has to do with features. Other times it has to do with location in cities or for other reasons.

So, weigh in. Tell me what’s most important to you. Then keep your eyes open for my upcoming column on your favorite wireless network, handset and the reasons why! Let’s see if we learn something new. Send me your thoughts at


Jeff Kagan
Jeff Kagan
Jeff is a RCR Wireless News Columnist, Industry Analyst, Consultant, Influencer Marketing specialist and Keynote Speaker. He shares his colorful perspectives and opinions on the companies and technologies that are transforming the industry he has followed for 35 years. Jeff follows wireless, private wireless, 5G, AI, IoT, wire line telecom, Internet, Wi-Fi, broadband, FWA, DOCSIS wireless broadband, Pay TV, cable TV, streaming and technology.