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Cable providers could look to cellular backhaul for additional revenue stream

Cellular backhaul is one area cable network operators are examining as an alternative revenue stream, according to ABI Research.
In order to supplement their income from residential video services, cable operators are looking for opportunities in voice telephony, broadband data services, SMB and cellular backhaul and advertising.
“ABI Research expects that in 2007, residential video will account for about $170 billion in revenue worldwide,” says VP and research director Stan Schatt. “Voice, data, SMB/cellular backhaul, and advertising add a further $92 billion.
“However in 2012, the end of our current forecast period, those figures will be about $268 billion and $279 billion respectively, showing the increasing importance of these alternative services,” said Schatt.
Alternative revenue streams are essential in North America where the video market is saturated and subscriber numbers will show small growth or even losses to competitive carriers, said ABI.