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Capturing the value in used phones

Each year Americans retire roughly 130 million mobile phones, and only one in ten is re-used. Operators and device makers see tremendous opportunity in recycled phones, saying that reclaiming old phones is good business, and good for the earth. At Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, executives from Sprint, Bright Star and CDG explained some their efforts to recapture the value of used phones in the Renewable Device Forum.


Martha DeGrasse
Martha DeGrasse
Martha DeGrasse is the publisher of Network Builder Reports ( At RCR, Martha authored more than 20 in-depth feature reports and more than 2,400 news articles. She also created the Mobile Minute and the 5 Things to Know Today series. Prior to joining RCR Wireless News, Martha produced business and technology news for CNN and Dow Jones in New York and managed the online editorial group at Hoover’s Online before taking a number of years off to be at home when her children were young. Martha is the board president of Austin's Trinity Center and is a member of the Women's Wireless Leadership Forum.