YOU ARE AT:Analyst AngleAmdocs primes the pump for CTIA, announces BSS transformation with Globe

Amdocs primes the pump for CTIA, announces BSS transformation with Globe

Amdocs announced that it has won a 7-year BSS transformation and data warehouse modernization contract with Globe in the Philippines. The contract builds upon an existing relationship between Amdocs and Globe in which the operator has already deployed the jNetx Convergent Service Platform, along with other network elements that serve as building blocks of a holistic Customer Experience Management (CEM) solution.

That win was followed with a systems integration win in 2011, whereby Amdocs centralized billing, customer management and ordering systems that were feeding in from solutions from six separate suppliers.

Today’s announced contract covers data warehouse systems as well as business processes across prepaid and postpaid wireless, wireline, and broadband operations, and specifically covers convergent charging and billing, customer management, ordering and enterprise-wide product catalog.

Key Takeaways

  • This win demonstrates Amdocs’ ability to systematically grow an account. Starting from a product win, expanding to a systems integration deal, and now culminating with a comprehensive long-term commitment for network transformation, Amdocs now has the opportunity to point to its activities with Globe as an example of how it possesses the full range of capabilities required to help an operator throughout the lifecycle of a network transformation project.
  • Although the TM Forum is clearly Amdocs’ showcase event for the Spring 2012 tradeshow season, the Globe announcement provides Amdocs with a strong reference that it can take to CTIA Wireless next week. To be sure, OSS/BSS transformations will be a topic of discussion in New Orleans. Showcasing a comprehensive win with a large national operator should put Amdocs in a top-of-mind position with operators attending CTIA with an eye towards upgrading its back office systems.
  • While not part of this latest contract win, the fact that Amdocs pointed to its 2011 systems integration project with Globe helps the vendor demonstrate its professional services capabilities. BSS transformations are highly complex undertakings, which very often involve rationalizing and integrating platforms from many disparate suppliers. In this case, by highlighting its ability to successfully integrate solutions from IBM, HP, EMC and others, Amdocs helps to assure prospective customers that it has the chops to handle large, complex SI projects.

    Jason Marcheck
    Jason Marcheck
    Founder and principal analyst at Layne Bridge and Associates. Jason is a 20 year veteran ICT industry analyst covering 5G, IoT, cloud and virtualization strategies for clients across a range of vertical industries. Prior to founding Layne Bridge, Jason worked for 14 years at Current Analysis/GlobalData as a research leader and consulting director.