WASHINGTON-Industry veteran Dale Hatfield was named chairman of a federally-chartered panel assisting the Bush administration on spectrum reform.
“Dale Hatfield’s expertise, seasoned judgment and unquestioned integrity make him the obvious choice to chair this important committee,” said John Kneuer, head of the Commerce Department’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration and overseer of the advisory committee. “I look forward to working with Dale and the other committee members on using the nation’s airwaves to further America’s competitiveness and spur economic growth in broadband services, and public safety services through improved federal spectrum management.”
Kneuer made the announcement at the first meeting of the committee, which will attempt to better utilize the nation’s dwindling spectrum resource. The committee grew out of a 2003 Bush spectrum policy initiative. The first meeting focused largely on organizational matters.
Hatfield, a former federal policymaker and highly regarded in the wireless industry, is an independent consultant and adjunct professor in the University of Colorado Interdisciplinary Telecommunications Program.
Hatfield named chairman of spectrum reform panel