The cell-phone industry points to results of a newly released survey of 1,000 cell-phone users nationwide to buttress its argument that consumers are largely satisfied with their cell phone service and skeptical of attempts to impose new government regulations.
The polling data, collected by McLaughlin & Associates and underwritten by the cellular industry’s advocate arm, found:
- 86% are satisfied with their wireless phone service;
- 78% would not be willing to pay a penny more for a wireless consumer bill of rights;
- 59% believe a cell phone bill of rights would add unneeded government regulations that would cause consumers to pay higher prices and have fewer choices for services;
- 73% believe new government regulations on cell phone service would make cell phone service more expensive;
- 72% support a 3-year nationwide freeze on new wireless taxes?currently in the Senate communications bill?which would prohibit states and localities from raising taxes on wireless services;
- 71% believe adding new government regulations on wireless phone service would either make their cell phone service worse or make no difference at all;
- 57% of consumers said they were likely to contact policy-makers if they knew new taxes or more government regulations were being proposed on their wireless phone service.