WASHINGTON-President Bush has appointed Janice Obuchowski to head the U.S. delegation to the World Radiocommunication Conference this summer in Geneva.
The expected appointment of Obuchowski, a former telecom policy-maker and NextWave Telecom Inc. executive who now heads a consulting firm, comes just days after the Bush administration reached agreement with the Pentagon and high-tech firms on a plan that opens the way for U.S. support for a global allocation of 5 GHz frequencies for unlicensed wireless technologies at WRC-2003. The meeting will be held June 9-July 4.
“In achieving this, the Bush administration has continued its goal of stimulating the economy, ensuring the national defense and preserving the leadership of the U.S. high-tech sector,” said Nancy Victory, head of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration.
Federal Communications Commission Chairman Michael Powell called the 5 GHz accord a “win-win for industry and government.”