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Sprint says network is Phase II compatible

OVERLAND PARK, Kan.-Sprint PCS said its entire nationwide PCS network is now E911 Phase II compatible. The company began selling GPS-enabled handsets last year.

“It’s important to emphasize, however, that Sprint’s network readiness is just part of the equation,” said Len Lauer, president of Sprint’s wireless division. “We continue to work with public safety answering points, local telephone companies and other organizations to deliver the service.”

Local telephone companies must also be able to receive the information and transmit it to the PSAP in order for Phase II to be fully implemented.

The company said it has sold more than 1 million GPS-enabled handsets since Oct. 2001. The handsets can dial non-GPS-enabled 911 today, but the GPS-enabled E911 functionality is available in only three markets where the local telephone company and PSAP have upgraded their equipment to Phase II compatibility, Sprint PCS said.