YOU ARE AT:Archived ArticlesMobile interconnection boosts fixed operator revenues in Kenya

Mobile interconnection boosts fixed operator revenues in Kenya

JOHANNESBURG, South Africa—An increased volume in calls being made by KenCell and Safaricom’s mobile subscribers over the fixed-line network of Telkom Kenya has caused the company’s revenues to increase by 17 percent.

Telkom Kenya’s annual revenue grew from 20 billion shillings (US$256 million) in 2000 to 24 billion shillings (US$307.2 million) in 2001.

Currently, the estimated 700,000 mobile subscribers in the country pay 18 shillings (US$0.23) per minute for a connection to the fixed network. However, the Communications Commission of Kenya is expected to arbitrate a new round of discussions on a revised interconnection agreement between the mobile and fixed operators.

The interconnection fees are regarded by many as the source of the country’s high mobile tariffs.