Mobile broadband access is increasing in Brazil. At the end of first half of 2011, Brazil had counted 43.7 million broadband access connections, according to a just-released survey from the Brazilian Telecommunication Association Telebrasil. The major part of this total is registered as mobile users – 27.9 million versus 15.8 million of fixed-broadband connections. The mobile broadband base grew 67% in the period compared to the year before. Modems represent 6.7 million connections and the number of 3G cellphones in use totaled 21.3 million.
From January to June, 8.5 million new connections were added, both mobile and fixed connections. Compared to the last 12 months, the number of broadband clients had an increase of 49%, which means that 15.5 million new broadband users were added.
Telebrasil also pointed that while broadband access is expanding, dial-up connectivity is decreasing. Almost 40% of households have at least a 1 Mbps connection. In 2009, only that number stood at 22%. Telebrasil said 15% of households have 2 Mbps connection today versus 7% in 2009.
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