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Men talk more than women on wireless phones

ATLANTA-Men have become the phone-talkers of the 21st century, according to a recent survey by Cingular Wireless. Men were found talking on wireless phones 35 percent more than women, averaging 372 minutes a month compared with women’s 275 minutes a month.

“For decades, women have been ribbed for talking on the phone too much,” said Greg Roberts, director of segment marketing for Cingular. “But the evidence is clear-men are the big gabbers of the wireless world.”

Cingular said that when using mobile phones, 78 percent of conversations by females are with family and friends, while men have friendly conversations about 64.5 percent of the time. Also, men said 33 percent of conversations are for business, while women designated 20 percent to work. Although still developing, thus far, the wireless Internet is used equally by men and women, Cingular reported. Men are also big users of plans with big minutes: 20.2 percent use 600 minutes a month or more, while only 9.9 percent of women do the same.

Women still dominate traditional wireline phone use, talking 52.6 percent more than men, according to the study.

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