WASHINGTON-The Senate May 25 confirmed by unanimous consent the nominations of the new Federal Communications Commission.
It was unclear when they would report to work since they must wait to be sworn in.
“Now that the chairman and commissioners have been confirmed by the Senate, we look forward to working with the new FCC administration on the important issues facing the wireless industry-none so presently so important as alleviating the spectrum shortage,” said the Cellular Telecommunications & Internet Association.
The FCC will now consist of Michael K. Powell as chairman, Kevin J. Martin, Kathleen Q. Abernathy, Michael J. Copps and returning FCC Commissioner Gloria Tristani.
It is unclear how long Tristani will stay on the commission. She earlier had indicated she would leave by the end of the year to run for elected office in New Mexico.
Powell was recently nominated to an additional five-year term even though his term did not expire until June 2002. He was originally nominated by former President Clinton to serve as a commissioner. President George W. Bush elevated him to the post of chairman on Jan. 22.
Martin is special assistant to the president for economic development. He was formerly a legal adviser to outgoing FCC Commissioner Harold Furchtgott-Roth before leaving to work on the Bush campaign.
Abernathy was most recently vice president of public policy for Broadband Office Communications, a competitive local exchange carrier for office buildings that recently filed for bankruptcy. She has worked for U S West Inc. and was a legal adviser to former FCC Commissioner Jim Quello
Copps has a Ph.D. in U.S. history and was an official in the Clinton Department of Commerce. He is a former aide to Sen. Ernest F. Hollings (D-.S.C.), soon to be chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee.
The Senate action was part of a concerted Republican effort to approve as many of President Bush’s appointees as possible before the Democrats take control of the Senate at the end of the Memorial Day recess.
The following were also confirmed:
Timothy J. Murris to be a member of the Federal Trade Commission;
Maria Cino to be assistant secretary of the Department of Commerce;
Bruce P. Mehlman to be assistant secretary of Commerce for technology policy;
Kathleen B. Cooper to be undersecretary of Commerce for economic affairs; and
Patrick Henry Wood III, chairman of the Texas Public Utility Commission, to be a member of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.