KANSAS CITY, Mo.-Sprint PCS introduced its Wireless Web for Business starter kits for its customers, including Internet-ready phones, service plans, corporate data access software, connectivity devices and customer support for 10 employees at a flat-rate for a three-month period.
Sprint PCS said it leverages its relationship with Wireless Knowledge to offer the kits, with a package price of $3,200.
The wireless operator is also offering modem starter kits, using the Sprint PCS Wireless Web modem and a Sierra Wireless personal computer card designed for Type II slots on a laptop computer running Microsoft Corp.’s Windows operating system. Kits include 10 Wireless Web modems and 10 Total Digital Connection rate plans for three months at a flat rate of $2,500.
At the end of the three-month period, customers can discontinue service or continue with a business rate plan of their choice.