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iBwave intros stencil library to simplify network design process

Canadian network design company iBwave Solutions has released a new library of common network modelling templates, or stencils, to accelerate the network design process for radio engineers. The new Stencil Library combines user-defined templates of frequently used markups, images, 3D materials, and objects. The idea is to save designers time by removing the need to “painstakingly” model every object and element in a network schematic; instead, they can select the objects to create a template from and store the selection in a personal library. 

The Stencil Library supports markups and images (shapes, lines, and polygons), rich-text and simple text boxes, walls and Surfaces (inclined and horizontal). A statement explained: “They can also create stencils from single objects, such as textboxes, markups or polygons, or create stencils from multiple selections at a time, such as wall segments with snapped-in doors and windows. Designers can even create more complex 3D models such as racks, vehicles, planes, machinery and more. The result is a dramatically shortened time-to-value for modelling objects and designing wireless networks of all kinds.”  

Stephane Bendayan, solutions director at iBwave, said: “Building modeling is among the most time-consuming activities when it comes to designing wireless networks, requiring countless hours of tedious work. Our Stencil Library gives enterprises, systems integrators, and mobile network operators a valuable tool to quickly and seamlessly place frequently used objects and surfaces on a floorplan, saving precious time in the wireless network design process.” 

iBwave Solutions has software to help US enterprises dovetail their local-area private Wi-Fi and LTE/5G designs in a single platform. The solution is geared for new private LTE/5G installations in CBRS spectrum in the US, to complement legacy enterprise Wi-Fi networks, and incoming WI-Fi 6 and 6E deployments.

It has also integrated a new site survey and planning tool for LTE-based networks into its network design solution for network operators, system integrators, and enterprises. The firm’s Mobile Survey app has now been integrated with the PRiSM handheld scanner and spectrum analyzer solution from US-based radio-frequency engineering company Epiq Solutions. The objective is to further simplify LTE network rollouts, in particular for enterprises; a statement said “surveying LTE… has never been simpler or more affordable”. 


James Blackman
James Blackman
James Blackman has been writing about the technology and telecoms sectors for over a decade. He has edited and contributed to a number of European news outlets and trade titles. He has also worked at telecoms company Huawei, leading media activity for its devices business in Western Europe. He is based in London.